Snapster Points

What are Snapster Points and how to earn them?

What are Snapster Points?

Snapster Points are our way of saying thanks for being part of the Snapster fam. They're in-app reward points that you earn just by using the Mini App daily.

How to stack 'em up?

  1. Daily Claims: Every 24 hours, you can claim 1000 Snapster Points, just for showing up. It's like hitting the jackpot every day in a row. Set your alarms and come back daily.

  2. Quests & Socials: Join our Telegram, follow us on X (Twitter), and show us your love and support on all our socials. The more you engage, the more points you rack up.

  3. Invite Your Bros: Got any frens? Invite them to the Snapster party and watch the points roll in. Each friend brings you 1000 Snapster Points plus a juicy chunk of future trading fees. More frens = bigger bags 💰💰💰

Stay tuned for even more ways to earn Snapster Points. We've got some surprises to keep the points flowing.

Why earn 'em?

Sure, they're fun to collect now, but what's the real deal? Well, let's just say these points could unlock some sweet rewards down the road. All early supporters will be generously rewarded. Join now or regret later – just saying.

Ok, I'm in, where to start?

Head over to and start earning Snapster Points right away.

Last updated